COVID-19 Update for Whitecourt
Posted on:Starting October 25, Albertans will need to show proof of two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, or a privately paid for negative rapid test, to be allowed into businesses and venues that have implemented the Restrictions Exemption Program.
Alberta COVID Records Verifier App
The Province of Alberta has launched a COVID-19 vaccine record with QR code. The new proof of vaccine record and verifier app is more secure and easier to use for those businesses and organizations taking part in the Restrictions Exemption Program. As of November 15, only the digital or printed vaccine record with QR code will be accepted.
Individuals can download or print their secure QR code proof of vaccination at
Businesses and venues participating in the Restrictions Exemption Program can download the Alberta Covid Records Verifier app from Apple and Google App stores.
Allan & Jean Millar Centre
As the Allan & Jean Millar Centre has implemented the Restrictions Exemption Program, users and sport spectators at the facility that are 18 years and older are required to provide:
- Proof of double vaccination, or
- Documentation of medical exemption for those with a vaccine exemption, or
- Proof of a recent (within the previous 72 hours) privately paid for negative COVID-19 test.
For those 17 years old and younger, proof of vaccination is not required when participating in recreational organized sports or school activities (i.e. minor soccer).
Those 11 and under will not need to provide proof of immunization or a negative test to enter the facility.
Individuals 12 years and older that are attending the facility as spectators will be required to show proof of vaccination or provide proof of a recent negative COVID-19 test.
Scott Safety Centre
Spectator attendance is restricted to 1/3 fire code capacity. Attendees are limited to a single household or two close contacts if living alone, and must be masked and maintain 2 metres physical distancing.
For those 18 years and over participating in hockey, shinney and public skating, the Restrictions Exemption Program applies.
Other public facilities
The Forest Interpretive Centre and Whitecourt Public Library remain open at 1/3 capacity. Masks and 2 metres physical distancing are required.