Municipal Planning Commission Notice of Decisions - July 28, 2022
The following decisions were made by the Municipal Planning Commission:
Application 22-054: 3410 Flats Road; W ½ 6-60-11-W5– Natural Resource Extraction and Processing – Approved with Conditions.
Application W14-317: NW ¼ 36-59-12-W5 – Request for Extension Wellwood Court – Approved with Conditions.
Date of Decisions: July 28, 2022 Appeal Closes at 4:00pm: August 18, 2022
An Appeal of the above decisions may be made by submitting a written appeal and appeal fee ($285.00) to the Office of the Secretary of the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board, Town of Whitecourt Administration Building, Box 509, Whitecourt, Alberta, T7S 1N6 prior to 4:00pm on the above noted date. Any person(s) affected by the said proposal(s), has the right to appeal prior to the above date.
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Rod Brooks
PostedCan I please get more details on the following approval: Application 22-054: 3410 Flats Road; W ½ 6-60-11-W5– Natural Resource Extraction and Processing – Approved with Conditions including detail of the approval and application process along with any public hearing detail that is associated with the approvals. Thanks
Town of Whitecourt
PostedMr. Brooks - Thank you for your inquiry. The Municipal Planning Commission Approved Discretionary Use Application 22-054 during their July 28, 2022 scheduled meeting and the full agenda package can be picked up at the Town office at 5004 52 Avenue. The Municipal Planning Commission Approved Discretionary Use Application 22-054 subject to the following conditions: 1. Permit applications for any accessory uses on this property and/or structures with floor areas larger than 10m² shall be submitted for approval by the Development Officer. 2. There shall not be any excavation within 10m of the East property boundary, 27m of the Athabasca River, 10m of the South Channel and 15m of the Central and North Channels. No development shall occur outside of the areas indicated in the proposal received by the Town on May 25, 2022, unless approval is granted by the Development Authority. 3. The applicant shall provide a phasing and stockpile plan to the satisfaction of the Development Authority. 4. The applicant shall obtain approvals from all other required provincial and/or federal agencies, and shall comply with all regulatory body requirements prior to, during, and after development of the gravel pits and pond. Copies of all approvals shall be provided to the Town of Whitecourt and the land shall be remediated in accordance with all municipal, provincial and federal requirements upon completion of the excavation. 5. The natural resource extraction area shall not exceed 5 hectares until such time as the area is rezoned to allow for Class 1 sized gravel pits. 6. Separate permits will be required for signage. 7. The applicant shall ensure that drainage, noise, dust, lighting, and other potential nuisances do not affect the use or enjoyment of any neighbouring properties. 8. The applicant shall be responsible for sediment and erosion control. 9. The development area shall be kept in a clean and tidy condition, free of garbage and foreign materials. 10. There shall not be any storage of any materials or vehicles on the property that are not directly related to the operation of the gravel pit. 11. Landscaping of disturbed areas, stockpiles, and the perimeter of the site shall be completed and maintained to the satisfaction of the Development Officer. 12. The hours of operation shall be limited to Monday to Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Excavation shall not take place on statutory holidays or on any days outside of these times unless approved by the Development Officer. 13. The applicant shall be responsible for providing access onto the Road Allowance onto Flats Road. Direct access shall not be provided onto Flats Road unless approval is granted by the Development Officer. 14. The applicant shall be responsible for obtaining any easements and/or crossing agreements that may be and utility providers in the area. 15. Posting and advertising of Notice of Decision. Obtaining municipal approval is the first step in the approval process. Compliance with several Provincial Acts and Regulations are required prior to operation (condition No. 4), which will include a formal public notification to be completed. It is estimated that it will take at least a year for the Provincial approvals and the “pit” is not expected to be operational for some time. While this operation will not look like a typical gravel pit, it will meet all of the Province’s requirements for a “gravel pit”. With the end result being landscaped ponds, similar to the ones in Rotary Park and the Meadows. All of the Commission’s decisions are publicly advertised on the proposed site, in the two local newspapers, on the Town’s website, and in the Town’s Administration office. This decision can be appealed in writing to the Land and Property Rights Tribunal by 4:00pm on August 18, 2022. - Thank you Town of Whitecourt Planning and Development Department.