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Notice of Public Hearing - Adoption of Municipal Development Plan, Land Use and North Flats Area Structure Plan Bylaws

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Notice of Public Hearing

Proposed Adoption of:

Municipal Development Plan Bylaw 1576

Land Use Bylaw 1577

North Flats Area Structure Plan Bylaw 1578

June 24, 2024 – 4:00 PM
Forest Interpretive Centre - Council Chambers
3002 – 33 Street, Whitecourt, AB

Pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, the Town of Whitecourt is proposing to:

  • Rescind Municipal Development Plan 1505 and adopt new Municipal Development Plan 1576;
  • Rescind Land Use Bylaw 1506 and adopt new Land Use Bylaw 1577;
  • Adopt North Flats Area Structure Plan Bylaw 1578.

It is best practice to review land use documents like the Municipal Development Plan and Land Use Bylaw periodically to make sure that they reflect the current state of the community. Review helps to ensure regulations are working as intended, and allows adjustments and updates to reflect current development trends.

The proposed updates to these bylaws are based on public consultation conducted over the last year and half. This includes the work of the Ad Hoc Municipal Development Plan and Land Use Bylaw Review Committee, three public open houses, two surveys, among other engagement activities. 

Municipal Development Plan Bylaw 1576

Municipal Development Plan 1576 will rescind and replace the current Municipal Development Plan Bylaw 1501. Proposed Municipal Development Plan Bylaw 1576 ‘Envision Whitecourt’ includes a new vision statement, updated guiding principles, and continuing goals. The plan focuses on affordable housing, downtown vitalization, industrial development, parks, open space and trails. Overall, the Municipal Development Plan sets the long term vision for the community and the specific goals and objectives for growth and investment.

Land Use Bylaw 1577

Land Use Bylaw 1577 will rescind and replace the current Land Use Bylaw 1506.  The Land Use Bylaw (LUB) sets out the regulations for the use of land and buildings within the Town of Whitecourt.  Proposed Land Use Bylaw 1577 reflects current best practices and legislative procedures. Definitions and Land Use Districts have been updated to reflect new development trends and ensure compatibility with existing uses. A small number of properties are proposed to be rezoned to maintain compliance with the new bylaw and allow for further development. Some of the key changes to the document include the expansion of secondary suites to also include garage suites and standalone garden suites, small or ‘tiny homes’ to be allowed in locations with manufactured homes, and a more formal grading review process for new developments. For a comprehensive breakdown of the changes to this document please refer to full list of changes:

North Flats Area Structure Plan Bylaw 1578

North Flats Area Structure Plan Bylaw 1578 is for the recently annexed lands north of Flats Road to the Athabasca River. It is a detailed plan laying out proposed development for the area. Flood hazard areas are proposed to remain undeveloped. The Whitecourt Golf & Country Club Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Graham Acres Sports Fields, and the wastewater treatment plant will also remain as they are. Two new residential pockets are proposed for future development in lands that are located above the 1:100 year flood limits.

A copy of the proposed bylaws can be viewed through the links below and will be made available for viewing at the Town Office, Planning Desk, during regular business hours prior to the Public Hearing.

Municipal Development Plan Bylaw 1576

Land Use Bylaw 1577

North Flats Area Structure Plan Bylaw 1578

A public information session will be held at 3:00 p.m. at the Forest Interpretive Centre on Monday, June 24, 2024, prior to the Public Hearing.  The purpose of the Public Hearing is to allow presentations for or against the proposed amendments. Any individuals or organizations may make presentations, speak at the Hearing, or submit written comments for consideration. Written comments must be received at the Town Office before 12:00 noon on Thursday, June 20, 2024.

Questions on the process or the Public Hearing should be directed to Stephanie Schaffner, Planner, at 780-778-2273, e-mailed to stephanieschaffner@whitecourt.ca, or mailed to Box 509, Whitecourt, AB, T7S 1N6.