Press Release - Trail access to Rotary Park from downtown temporarily closed April 27 to May 4
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Pedestrian access into Rotary Park near 50 Street/Legion Street will be temporarily closed starting April 27.
In preparation for construction of the new access road to Rotary Park, the Town will be removing hazardous trees, and clearing and grubbing the site as outlined in the work plan attached. The following trails will be closed Wednesday, April 27 to Wednesday, May 4:
• Rodeo Trail from the 53 Avenue and 50 Street intersection to Festival Way;
• Jack Rabbits Trail (unpaved, nature trail).
The trail closures will be marked with signs. Please do not enter the work site and avoid the active work zone as deadfall clearing will be completed throughout the closure period.
Residents are encouraged to use alternate walking routes in the area. For further information on the trail system, please refer to the Whitecourt Trail Map on our website at
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