Public Notice: Town of Whitecourt Loan Bylaw 1569
Posted on:Public Notice is hereby given pursuant to Sections 606 and 265(3) of the Municipal Government Act, RSA 2000, Chapter M.26 of proposed Loan Bylaw 1569, respecting the loan of $19,000 at a rate of 0% for a period of 10 years, to Tennille’s Hope Kommunity Kitchen Society for the purposes of upgrading the community kitchen facility.
The proposed bylaw was given first reading at the Council meeting held on April 11, 2023. A copy of the proposed bylaw is available for inspection at the Town Administration building located at 5004 52 Avenue, Whitecourt Alberta T7S 1N6.
Anyone wishing to file a petition regarding the proposed bylaw must do so in compliance with the requirements contained in Sections 222 to 226 of the Municipal Government Act, RSA 2000 which includes, but is not limited to the following:
- A petition must be filed with the Chief Administrative Officer of the Town of Whitecourt within 15 days after the last date on which the bylaw is advertised;
- Only electors of the Town of Whitecourt are eligible to be petitioners;
- The petition must be signed by the electors of the Town of Whitecourt equal in number to at least 10% (ten percent) of the population.
Each page of the petition must contain an identical statement of the purpose of the petition, the petitioner’s printed surname, given name and signature, the street address of the petitioner or the legal description of the land on which the petitioner lives, and the date on which the petitioner signs the petition. An adult witness to the signature of each petitioner must sign opposite the petitioner’s signature stating that to the best of the person’s knowledge the signatures witnessed are those of a petitioner who is entitled to sign the petition. All affidavits must be attached to the petition. The petition should also attach a signed statement of a person who states to be the representative of the petitioners and whom the municipality may direct inquires about the petition.
Any questions or comments should be directed to Judy Barney, Director of Corporate Services, Whitecourt Alberta T7S 1N6, Phone: 780-778-2273 Fax: 780-778-4166
Last date of publication of the notice will be Tuesday, April 25, 2023.
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