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Whitecourt Town Council Update July 17, 2023

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The Whitecourt Communities in Bloom Committee will be offering graffiti removal kits at a discounted price to community members. The Committee has investigated and tested different removal kits, and will be offering two different kits (one for sensitive surfaces and another for brick/stone/masonry) for $20 at the Allan & Jean Millar Centre. Those that purchase a kit will be asked to provide before and after photos so that success of the initiative can be tracked. For further information, visit www.whitecourt.ca/play/communities-in-bloom.

Whitecourt Town Council received a quarterly financial report at the July 17 Regular Meeting. Council also had the opportunity to review the 2023 Project List that is available for viewing on www.whitecourt.ca/your-town.

Whitecourt Town Council has awarded the Automated Traffic Enforcement (ATE) Contract to Conduent Business Services Canada Inc. for a three-year term, with a two-year option for extension. The current contract is set to expire in October 2023, and a request for proposals process was completed. The purpose of ATE is to facilitate the safe flow of vehicle and pedestrian traffic resulting in safer roadways throughout Whitecourt. Since having ATE in Whitecourt, collision rates have decreased by 6% and injury collision rates have fallen by 15.4%.

July 25 has been declared by Whitecourt Town Council as World Drowning Prevention Day 2023. Drowning has cause 2.5 million deaths in the last decade, and the day helps to raise awareness on drowning as a public issue.

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