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Press Release


Whitecourt Town Council Update June 27, 2023

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Whitecourt has terminated the State of Local Emergency (SOLE) that was issued on June 20, 2023. The SOLE allowed the Town of Whitecourt to evacuate areas of the community that were affected by high water levels on the Athabasca and McLeod Rivers.

Whitecourt will be providing support to a provincially-lead project that proposes to construct a fireguard to protect critical infrastructure in Whitecourt and Woodlands County. Fireguards create a break in forest fuels driving wildfire; construction of a fireguard surrounding Whitecourt would reduce the threat of wildfire in our community.

The 2023 20-Year Capital and Major Maintenance Plan has been adopted. The Plan, which includes 138 projects, provides a vision for the long-term development of Whitecourt’s infrastructure; land development; parks and trails; and, building and recreational/cultural facilities to meet the needs of our growing community. The Plan incorporates projects and timelines identified through engineering studies, planning sessions, workshops, budget deliberations, and public engagement activities. The Plan is available to view at www.whitecourt.ca/your-town.

The annual review of Off-Site Levies is complete and, based on the study, rates will be changing as of January 1, 2024. Off-Site Levies are a cost recovery tool that help pay for infrastructure projects that allow the community to grow, including roads, and water and sewage treatment.

Development Type 2023 Off-Site Levy Rate 2024 Off-Site Levy Rate
  • Single Family Dwelling Units
$4,586/dwelling unit $4,710/dwelling unit
  • Multi-Family Dwelling Units
$1,997/dwelling unit $2,051/dwelling unit
Non-Residential $53,446/hectare $54,888/hectare

As part of Whitecourt’s Assessment Management Plan implementation, Whitecourt has adopted an Asset Management Policy which outlines the responsibilities of Council and administration. Asset management helps municipalities manage municipal infrastructure assets and make better investment decisions.

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