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Press Release


Whitecourt Town Council Update - May 25, 2023

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A “no cooking” zone will be implemented at Festival Park. The Community Services Advisory Board recently reviewed policies related to Festival Park operations, and discussed the topics of sun shades/shelters, parking, portable structures and cooking facilities/areas. In order to enhance safety, Council has authorized that the area with the highest traffic, near the end of the Whitecourt River Slides, be designated a “no cooking” zone. It is intended that this will spread people out, reducing congestion in the area and encouraging use of the pavilion and playground shelter for cooking. In addition to this change, additional picnic tables will be added closer to the parking lot and pathway for those who only want to picnic in the park. Signage will be posted in the “no cooking” area so that Park users are aware of the new guideline. Details on Festival Park operations can be found online at www.whitecourt.ca/play/festivalpark.

The Whitecourt & District Heritage Society will be undertaking a number of projects this season to enhance the John & Audrey Dahl Heritage Park and Museum at the Forest Interpretive Centre. Work includes moving two of the heritage buildings within the park space; completing cleanup of the grounds; and, adding temporary storage units to allow for the inventory and relocation of artifacts. The Society will be presenting an overall concept plan for the Park and Museum to Council in the fall.

Whitecourt Town Council has allocated $10,000 in funding through the Sports Hosting Program to three community groups. The Program provides support to community organizations hosting sporting events in the community, which in turn has a positive impact on the local economy.

  • Whitecourt Blue Dolphins – Whitecourt Swim Meet Championship: $3,000
  • Northern Angels Community Association – Alberta Volleyball Provincials: $3,800
  • Whitecourt Taekwondo Association – Western Canadian Championship: $3,200

Whitecourt Town Council allocated $2,500 to Lakeside Rentals through the Whitecourt Tourism Product Development Grant Program. The Program provides support in the development of tourism-based products and services. Lakeside Rentals will be offering kayak rentals at Festival Park this summer season.

Whitecourt will be hosting the 2023 Fort Assiniboine Bicentennial Voyageur Canoe Brigade’s send-off ceremony and breakfast on July 7 in Riverboat Park. The Voyageur Brigade will start at Riverside Park’s boat launch on July 7 and end in the Town of Athabasca on July 13.

Council has approved street closures on August 12 for the Downtown Street Fest event. The event will include entertainment, community food vendors, multi-cultural activities and late-night shopping. Watch for further details closer to the event date.

The 2022 Collision Report was discussed at the May 23 Council Meeting. Data from 2022 showed the reported number of collisions in the community was up from last year. The report has been forwarded to the Protective Services Committee and Alberta Transportation for further review.

Following recent amendments made to how Council Committees are governed, Council has approved minor edits to the Honorariums and Council Per Diem Compensation, Benefits and Allowances Policy to that references in both current bylaws and policies are consistent.

Council has recognized May 22-28, 2023 as Community Disability Service Professionals Week.

Council has recognized May 29 to June 2, 2023 as Alberta Rural Health Week.

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